Thursday, June 20, 2019

Last Math Class

Preston had his last math class today! He has finished all of the online portion too. His math test is scheduled for Monday at 10:00. He has to get at least 80% to pass the class. I'm sure he will be fine, but just a titch nervous. Preston's teacher is the one who told me to put him in this summer school math class. It is 7th grade math. If he passes the test, he will be in 8th grade math next year. Preston's teacher things 7th grade math will be too frustrating for him, she think it will be too slow. Anyway, if he doesn't pass the test, then he is retaking the same math and I have just made the problem worse. So, here's hoping he passes! Maysen and I picked Preston up and we went to Original Pancake House for crepes. Mike met us there. It was delicious. Later that day I got a message from Jorja saying, "I miss our food so much" She is starving. Just having a hard time with what is there. Wishing they had a Zupas. She was also a little homesick tonight. She said it has been super fun so far, but she kind of wishes she was only going to be gone for one week. Here are some random pictures from Jorja.
Jorja & friends
 Jorja's picture reminded me of this one of Brett.
Brett thought it was so funny, he even bought the picture! This is when we were at Disney Sea in Tokyo.
 Jorja is hot
 My Porge. I love her.
We had a relief society dinner at the Rich's backyard. My neighbor Elizabeth came with me! I was so happy! She even walked back with me, Becky and Stephanie. She opened up to them, which was awesome. Elizabeth is super shy. I talked to her for about an hour on Tuesday. I'm glad she feels comfortable around me. She needs someone to lean on. Her life is a mess. About two years ago her husband, Paul, decided he wanted to be a woman. He had all the surgery done and now goes by Whitley. Elizabeth has tried her best to support him/her. Anyway, Whitley wants a divorce and has been super cruel to Elizabeth lately. I can not even imagine what this trial has been like for her. I have never seen anyone fight for their marriage like Elizabeth has. If anyone had a reason to divorce it is her. Still, she is hurting bad. I'm glad she came with me today. I hope she was able to make friends.

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