Friday, June 21, 2019

Puppet Plaque

We finally sent in the information to get Stockton's mission plaque done. For the last few years this has been part of my calling. Stockton's been out almost five months and we finally got it done. The hard part was finding a picture. Stockton didn't shave until right before he got set apart. Most of the pictures he sends home are of sunsets. This picture though... this is Stockton. Totally his personality. He told me that if he is going to be doing this for two years he might as well have fun with it. The puppet Stockton is holding was given to him by a member in Safford. He had dinner at her house and she made him a puppet. Stockton loves it.
 It will be nice to see Stockton's plaque move up! I sure do miss my boy.
We had a ward parent missionary dinner tonight at the Clark's house. It was so much fun. I think all the parents were able to come except Severine's and Jordan's. Landon comes home in six weeks. Wow! Soon the Maxfield's will be kicked out of our club! Jaxson is the next one coming home. Suzanne said, "No worries about me! I'm circling around!" Haha! She also has Dylan out who comes home in January and Noah has his call and will be leaving this summer. Noah actually leaves one week before Jaxson gets home. Wow. She had three missionaries out earlier too, when Indy was out. I guess that is what happens when you have lots of boys and two of them are twins.

Blake had his championship All Star game today. They came through the loser bracket, so they have to win this team twice. Mike gave us his login and password for the Game Changer app and we were able go get updates on his game. Blake's team won, so they will play tomorrow for the official championship. Fun!

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