Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Big Girl

I can't believe I didn't take any pictures. Today was such a fun day too! Jorja took Preston to get a haircut. He looks adorable. No pictures though. I loved that she took him. I loved that Preston let her pick out his haircut. I loved that I didn't have to do anything. It was great. I did take Maysen to the OBGYN. Maysen and Jorja have to take birth control pills while they are on Accutane. Jorja was able to get her perscription from the dermatologist, but because Maysen's periods are super weird he wanted her to see a big girl doctor. I set her up an appointment with Dr. Smith, who I love. Even though we aren't related. He was great talking to her. We just had an office visit with no examination. She got off easy!

The best part of the day was hanging out with my family. Brett and Rachel were here all day. We played lots of games. I taught them Five Minute Dungeon and they loved it. We played games most of the day. Matt and Bubs and their families came and played with us. My dad came and made us dinner. Then we all went swimming! Except my dad wouldn't get into the pool. I went swimming too, which is why I have no pictures. I even wore the mermaid tail Mike got me for Mother's Day for a weird one. Anyway, it was so so so so fun. We played for a long time. It was a great day.

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