Monday, July 22, 2019


Brett and Rachel came today! Yay! Yay! Yay! I was talking on the phone with Stockton (which was awesome) when they got here. They got to yell hi to him. Mike immediately showed the kids the wand stations he made. He programed them each a wand and they were off on their quests. They loved it! It was adorable.

Jorja was supposed to have a hangout/sleepover with the student government girls today. She asked work off for it and everything. Then at the last second it was cancelled. Jorja was disappointed. Mostly because she missed camp this year and is a bit worried about bonding. Plus, it would have been fun. She did make a quick run for yogurt with Emily and then was able to hang out with Brett and Rachel's girls. Grace saw the fruit bowl and started telling me all about the Studio C sketch. She had the entire thing memorized. I told her to point her wand at it. She laughed and laughed when the fruit bowl started doing the Studio C sketch!

It is soooo fun to have family here! I love it! I wish they lived next door. The house is up for sale right now. Twice the price we paid for ours. And Brett's job is in Ohio. Details.

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