Saturday, July 6, 2019


Jorja played and played and played. I got confused as to which day was which, or if she did both on the same day; but she went paint balling and to an amusement park.
Christine, Mia, Jorja, Nicole
 Mia & Jorja
 Jorja, Ethan, Nicole
 No idea what's going on here
Nicole, Ethan, Jorja
 Mia & Jorja
Mike and Preston had fun today making things. Preston convinced Mike make his wand huge by doubling it's size and adding a huge dragon topper he found at the craft store. Preston loves it.
Mike hung up a cloud in our entry way. It changes colors depending on the weather. It also had different sounds. You can also wave a wand at it to get it to do random things.
Blue skies
My friend Javita is in North Carolina right now. Her boy Damion is playing in a college summer league in California. She was texting me throughout the game. I was able to find the game online. I sent this picture to show her I was watching it. Damion isn't up, he's a lefty.
Humbolt Crabs
Anyways, Damian's team (Crabs) was losing the entire game. They would be down four, close it to two, just to go down again. Javita said this wasn't their best game. They usually do better than this. The Crabs were losing by 4 in the ninth. They scored two runs. There was a runner on 1st and 2nd when Damian came up. Javita started texting me nervous faces. The announcer talked about how cool it would be if Damian could get a walk off home run here. Then he would tie the all time home run record for a season. (He has had a great year.) Wouldn't you know it. First pitch. Damion hits a walk off. It was awesome! I texted Javita, "And you said this wasn't a very good game to watch." Hahaha! It was awesome. Damian's dad, Ron, was there. He said the place went nuts. Someone went out and found the ball and Damian was able to give it to his dad. Javita told me that right now Damian is being treated as a super star out there. He is all over social media and the radio. Ron said it is like walking around with a celebrity. This game is going to take that up a notch. He is such a nice kid. So excited for him.

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