Sunday, July 7, 2019

Mike and Alex

My brother Mike called today. He asked what I was doing. I could hear he was in the car so I asked him where he was. He was in Lehi. He asked if he could come over right now. Of course! I texted Bubs and he hurried over with his family. My dad is in Nauvoo and Matt and his family are in Idaho for Sam's family reunion. Mike rented a car and drove up yesterday. He got in super late. Skye is going to soccer camp at BYU. Larkin is staying the week with Christen's sister helping with her baby.  Anyway, it was sooooo nice to see him. I loved it! (Bubs is texting my brothers. I took this picture to send to my brothers. I'm sure we were in some baseball conversation with the ones who weren't with us.)
Mike, Skye's hand, Bubs, Ange, Abby
 Mike, Stephanie, Bubs
 Abby, Larkin, Skye
 Ella, Abby, Larkin, Skye
A few hours after my brothers left, Mike's childhood best friend called. His boy found a just hatched duck. They watched the chick hatch. He asked if we could take it. Mike said yes, so Alex and his wife Jodi came over. Except in-between the phone call and getting here a dog got ahold of the duck. The chick was still alive, but just barely. I don't know if it will make the night. It was nice for Mike to see Alex though.

In Jorja news, she is now on her way home! Mike was a little nervous because she texted us before she went to bed. When we asked how she was getting to the airport she said she had no idea. She got on the plane though, so all is well. She absolutely loved this trip. I'm so happy she is coming home. I'm so happy she had this experience. I'm so happy she loved it. I feel very blessed.

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