Monday, July 29, 2019

Far West Frogs

We got to talk to Stockton today! I talked to him for about three hours. It was the best! He told us all about their baptism with Greg on Saturday. He also gave us assignments of who to pray for next week and what to pray about. Four different names. He sounds so happy. I love him!

Jorja sent me a picture of her with a frog today and I was so happy! I miss the Jorja who was obsessed with frogs! I guess she kind of got bullied in 6th grade because of her frog obsession, so she has kept her love of frogs a secret. So happy to see this picture!
I think this kid's name is Andrew
 Olivia, Jorja, Megan
Jorja sent me this next picture with no explanation. I have never seen it before and I don't recognize the clothes. I asked Jorja is this was her. She said, "No, but doesn't it look like me?" Wow. It sure does. Her friend Mallory sent it to her. I guess it was a picture in Piper and Scoot. Jorja has a doppelganger out there somewhere!
I decided to send Jorja some swimsuits from Amazon. I got the address of the hotel they are staying at in Nauvoo from my dad. I had thought about overnighting her swimsuit there, but then realized it would be cheaper to buy her a new one. Plus, she can take it to Lake Powell. Problem is, it's hard to know what will fit. At least the swimsuits were pretty cheap. I sent her three. I figured if they all fit, great. If they don't, then maybe one will fit Maysen. Or we can send them back. Jorja jumped into the pool in her clothes today.... so, hopefully the swimsuit gets to her!

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