Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Stockton reached his six months mark today! Yay! One fourth of his mission is completed. So excited about that! It seems forever until four fourths will be completed. The only thing about wishing him home, is then Jorja will be about ready to leave home. I don't want to wish my time away with the two youngest. Thank goodness I get to talk to him every week!

Maysen and I went to Hobby Lobby and Zupas today. Maysen went crazy there and should never be allowed to take Mike to that store. She texted him a picture of a unicorn head and he wanted her to buy it to make a wand station out of. Those two would get crazy ideas at that store. At Zupas we ran into Mr. Packer and Cade. Too bad Jorja wasn't with us, she would have loved to run into those two!

Jorja seems to be having a good time on her trip. I asked her how she was getting along with Olivia and she said they were having a blast. Yay! Glad she is happy! They went to Quincy, Warsaw and Nauvoo Illinois. They also got to do baptisms at the Nauvoo Temple and see the Nauvoo Pageant. Busy day!
Megan, Olivia, Jorja
We had a deer visit us today. He loved drinking out of one of the inflatable toys. He was there for a long time, and wasn't even bothered by Quaky Chan. Silly guard duck!
Don't mind our crazy backyard. We'll get it together one day!

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