Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Jorja had a hard day today. She was sad and ready to be home. She also slept through her alarms, so she wasn't able to eat breakfast or get her makeup on. Her face has broken out so she was completely embarrassed all day. Plus, she forgot to take her pills. She somehow got back to the hotel in the afternoon just long enough to take her pill. That made her feel a lot better.

A few months ago Jorja's friend Ben sent her a random Venmo request. It was for $3 I think and said, "For introducing you to Spencer and I want Chick-Fil-A." Jorja thought that was so funny and paid his bill. Well, today Jora sent Ben a Venmo requesting a refund. Hahaha. I love that girl.
Jorja had some free time and was able to do a bit of shopping. She bought this shirt. Megan bought one too.
 Megan, Preston, Jorja
 Megan & Jorja
Jorja's day ended much better than it began. Yay! She was also able to pick up the swimsuits I sent. Too bad they got back too late to go swimming. At least she will have it for tomorrow!

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