Thursday, August 1, 2019

7th Grade Shots

I took Preston to get his 7th grade shots today. The nurse was great. She asked him if he wanted the shots in his arm or his thigh. He picked thigh. He didn't flinch at all. After she was finished he asked her how long it would be until it started hurting. Way different than getting shots with Jorja! Preston had a full checkup with Dr. Pritchard. He still has 20/20 vision, but his right eye is way better than his left. Preston hasn't been bothered by his shots all day. Tetanus shots are usually much worse than that!
Preston's first shot
 2nd shot
Mike took Maysen and Preston to the cabin today. I'm waiting for Jorja so I can bring her up on Saturday. They stopped in Evanston on the way up. THE McDonalds is gone! The one where you can sit on the saddles! What? That is weird and sad. Everyone stops there. I wonder what is there now. I never asked.

Meanwhile in Jorja land. They have left Nauvoo. They stopped by Carthage before traveling across Iowa. This is the picture Jorja posted for today.
Nauvoo Temple

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