Friday, August 2, 2019

Winter Quarters

Jorja is home! She had her last day of the trip today. They spent the morning at Winter Quarters and she arrived at the airport around midnight. I'm so glad to have her back! I stayed up until 2:00 in the morning washing her clothes. I'm hoping to leave early tomorrow to go to the cabin.
Ebony came over and talked to me for a couple of hours. She had questions about her schedule. She is adorable. I have to change Jorja's schedule around quite a bit. I got my ideal schedule all figured out when Evan's mom texted me telling me they switched his Chinese class to 8th period. I opened Jorja's schedule, which I had just been looking at five minutes before and sure enough . . . she now has no 4th period class and 8th period is scheduled as Chinese and Physics. Oh boy.

Mike sent me several pictures today. My favorite one was this first one of Maysen feeding Amy. Awe. Look at these two cute cousins.
Maysen & Amy
 Games at the cabin ~ Amelia, Mike, Ella, Lincoln, Preston, Ange
 Mike is planning on a wand station up here. Looking adorable so far.
 Mike spent time mowing until the kids got super antsy and wanted the 4-wheelers
 Cabin life
 Somehow this picture got on here, but I thought it was funny because it still is at the cabin
 Preston and Lincoln are hosting this event
Mike, Maysen, Preston, Matt, and Brett stayed up until 3:00 in the morning playing pirates. Brett was mocked for not selling his fruit when he ended his turn with $24,950. Haha

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