Saturday, August 3, 2019


I got up Jorja at 7:00 to start packing and was at my computer and ready to go fifteen minutes before 8:00. The window to change schedules was supposed to open at 8:00. I had my list of what I needed to do so I could win the scheduling race. Problem was....the window didn't open at 8:00. I texted my friend who works in the counseling office and asked her why it wasn't working. She said she was seeing one of the counselors in about 45 minutes at a soccer game and would ask her about it there, but I shouldn't worry about it. Jorja should be able to get all her classes. I texted back that I needed to leave to Idaho and Jorja hasn't gotten the classes we have wanted in the past, so I was worried and afraid to leave the computer. She called the counselor and the counselor called the registar. It was a district problem and they were having a hard time getting ahold of anyone. Why would they do this on a Saturday? Anyway, it finally opened at 8:45 and I was able to get Jorja's first choice of classes. Yay!
 Final schedule
It took forever to finally get out the door, but we did it. Madison came up with us. We stopped at Zupas before we went. When we were about to leave my dad called and asked if we could stop by his house on the way up to pick up something. Matt and Sam had ordered binkis and wanted them. We had an uneventful ride up, which is the best kind of drive. We stopped and got square ice-cream cones before we made it here. That place was crowded.

I went on a walk almost to Big Rock with Rachel. That was fun. We turned around when we got to the aspen trees, and I'm so glad. It was dark by the time we got back to the roads. Jorja took Madison on a 4 wheeler ride. Madison's phone fell out of her pocket, so they stopped the 4 wheelers to look. Then Jorja couldn't get it going again. They walked to a cabin that was having a huge party with music blasting and managed to get boys to give them a ride back to our cabin. Mike went with Jorja and Madison on the 4 wheeler to find the other 4 wheeler. I drove Brett and Matt to help if needed. Madison's phone still was missing and it was D-A-R-K. We started walking on the path. Brett was walking toward them, bended over and pulled up Madison's phone. Quick as that. It was amazing. Both 4-wheelers got back just fine. We played games the rest of the night until we couldn't keep our eyes open anymore. I sure do love it here.

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