Sunday, August 4, 2019

Pie Face Code

We went to church in Idaho this morning then spent the rest of the day playing games. I love being at the cabin. I think these pictures of Colt Express are funny. The first one is a candid picture. Mike looks silly as he's trying to explain the game. The second one is a posed picture. Mike looks . . . hahaha. I love him.
(clockwise) Mike, Abby, Bubs, Matsen, Ange, Ella, Marie, Lincoln, Preston's hand
 Posed picture
Preston and Lincoln decided to take Pie Face apart and see how it worked. They discovered it was one long gear. It wasn't random at all. They figured out the code. I don't know if each Pie Face is different, or if this is the code to all of the original versions. But these guys loved it.
Preston and Lincoln

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