Monday, August 5, 2019

Bear Lake and EFY

So.... turns out I got super burned out on the blog for awhile. (Stockton was NOT happy with me.) I'm now twenty days behind. I spent forever getting pictures from Preston's Bear Lake trip and saved them all, but I can't find where they went. Anyway, I'm going to try and catch up now, but I feel bad because there were a lot of great days that I have now missed documenting. I will have to rely on pictures and text messages between my family. We'll just cross our fingers and hope for the best.

I woke up this morning to this lovely site on the porch. I don't know what animal got into this, but it was everywhere. Brett and I were going to pick it up the old fashioned way when Mike came showed up with a shovel. I don't know why a shovel didn't cross my mind, but it sure went faster cleaning it up this way! Not nearly as gross either.
I took Jorja and Madison to EFY at BYU-Idaho this morning. Mike took Preston to Bear Lake for Scout camp. It took us about an hour and a half to get to Rexburg. The girls got checked in and then we had lunch at Frontier Pies. It wasn't as good as I remembered. I dropped them off at their apartment and hoped for the best! I stopped at a lookout spot on the way back. I couldn't get a good picture, but it sure was beautiful.
I got to talk to Stockton today. Transfers were Saturday. He and Elder Alia are still together. They were shocked! Well, kind of. Their mission president called and talked to both of them earlier in the week. He had them each write him a letter about their feelings with staying together for another transfer and also about the Swahili family. Thank goodness Stockton loves Elder Alia! When this transfer is over, he will have been with him for half his mission! One funny story. A family in the district invited three sets of missionaries over. They speak English and Spanish, so they invited the English and Spanish Elders. Their daughter is in the YSA, so they invited the YSA missionaries. There happens to be three missionaries from Alta serving in this district. All three of the Alta missionaries ended up having dinner with this family. Stockton from the English side. Another Alta guy that I can't remember from the Spanish side and Sister Liljenquist from the YSA side. Stockton thought that was so funny. Super random. Also, Stockton got a new ward, so they will have three wards now. Hope that goes well for them.

Mike is staying with Preston tonight. They are staying at the Henderson's cabin. It is right on the lake and super amazing. Kids don't know how lucky they are. Mike and Preston went boating with Burke and then played Colt Express with some of the other kids. Mike also got Preston to come on a giant stand up paddle board with him. 

Jorja seems to love EFY already. She was worried that the dress she brought was too short. Cori bought it for her and it was shipped to our house. There were two exact dresses of different colors. She wore one on Sunday and it was shorter than she thought. We called up Hutch and she met us at a clothing shop. Everything was super expensive and nothing fit Jorja. It was great to see Hutch though! Hutch is planning on going to Idaho Falls tomorrow, so she said she would pick up something for Jorja. I spent a lot of time once I got back to the cabin looking for dresses at Target. I wanted to order one and have Hutch be able to just walk in and grab it. Later tonight I got a text from Jorja saying her counselor approved her dress. Yay! Yay! Yay! I think those two are going to have a great week!
 Madison & Jorja
Jorja & Madison's company

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