Monday, August 26, 2019

Burned Out Bowling

We got to talk to Stockton today. After awhile we switched to Google Hangouts, which we have never tried before. I know that is how Shannon talks to Brandon and Erica. Elder Alia still needed to call his parents, so Stockton wanted to try this. It worked great! There was some lagging, but we were able to video chat with him for the first time. It was amazing! It was soooooo good to see him! He was very disappointed in me when I told him I had lost motivation for my blog. His exact words were, "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" I think Stockton loves the blog the most out of my family. I was just telling Mike that I had to get it back on track for Stockton. Right now I am twenty days behind. Ugh. I decided to just start where I am and catch up when I can. If there is always a twenty day hole, then what can I say? I just gave up.

Anyway, other things that happened today. Maysen had her first day of her senior year of college. She had two classes today. They were both writing classes and she was happy with both of them. It was nice to talk to her and hear her so positive.

We had a family bowling day. My first game was my worst game in thirty year....maybe ever. I was dominating the next game, but time ran out on us. Still, I was so far ahead it... and the last game is the one that really matters, right? It was nice being with my family, even though it is only a family of four now. Going to enjoy Preston having a sibling at home while I can!
 Jorja ~ uses the bowl from way behind the line method
 Mike in the middle of his strike dance
 Mike pin...
Jorja met us at Firehouse Subs and then we went to the bowling alley. She was with Kate before. She went straight to Joe's house. She was helping him ask a different Kate to Homecoming. He was so nervous he made Jorja get everything set up on the porch while he hid around the corner. Then he was too nervous to make it back to her car so he made her hop three fences. She came home with what looked like a giant rug burn on her arm. Glad she had fun though. She is excited Joe is going with Kate.

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