Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Dress Shopping

I took Jorja and Madison dress shopping today. We went to the dress rental place up in Orem. Jorja's favorite dress was one she tried on for Sweethearts at the beginning of the year. Haha. She thinks she wants this one, but you can't put anything on hold. She wants to go to at least one more store. We'll see what she ends up with. My guess is whatever she chooses will be adorable.
Short hair Jorja
 Long hair Jorja
Funny she was wearing her glasses in both pictures. Her eyes have really been bothering her lately. She thinks it is the contacts, but we aren't sure what to do about it. She has daily contacts and they are pretty nice ones. The super cheep ones hurt her eyes. I called the eye doctor today. They were wondering if it is allergies. Jorja decided to try eye drops before scheduling an appointment. Hopefully they will stop hurting soon. Jorja says that every day she has been asked if she is high. Drugie Jorja is not what she is going for. Anyway, Jorja and Madison had a great time as always. I'm glad we were able to bring Madison along.
Jorja & Madison
We went to Bowl of Heaven after and it was soooo good. Madison has never had an açaí bowl. Poor girl. I took Jorja to Walmart after she got back from Young Womens. It was fun to have her to myself and talk about real things. We were talking about boys and she said that although she is sad about lots of the things that have happened, she is grateful for all the things she has learned. We talked about ghosting and how big of a red flag that is. At least when you are in a 'relationship'. We talked about how you should always try to talk about things that might be bothering the other person, even if it is uncomfortable. Ghosting is never the answer.

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