Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Too Hot for School

I watched Matt's kids today while Matt and Sam went to their ultrasound appointment. They are going to be having a little girl! Her name will be Kaylee Lyn, unless they decide otherwise. Best news though was the baby is healthy! This pregnancy has been touch and go with several scares, so yay for being healthy. 

With the BYU/Utah game tomorrow, I laughed at Jeff's shirts. Matt says they only wear hand-me-downs, so their favorite team is what they are given. Haha.
Jeff and Stephanie
Alta got out early. The air conditioner broke. It was so hot. 100 degrees in the classrooms and hallways, especially upstairs. They let the kids go home at 1:00. That meant Jorja missed Chinese. That is her least favorite class this year, so she wasn't disappointed one bit. We took advantage of that time and went dress shopping. This was her favorite of the day, but she likes the one from yesterday more. I'm going to try and get it tomorrow. The shop wasn't open today. I hope I can just call because with the BYU/Utah game....I don't want to deal with traffic. The shop is in Orem.
Jorja worked from 4:30 until close. It was super busy and she got home around 11:45. While she was gone Mike put the TV from our room in her room. She has been having a lot of anxiety and can not fall asleep. The last six months or so she has taken my laptop to her room and fallen asleep with it. Either Nexflix or conference talks she finds on YouTube. That is another reason I am so behind in my blog. My laptop is always missing. Anyway, Mike hung this up in the girls room. He tried to stay awake so he could see her reaction, but he couldn't do it. Jorja was so happy! I taught her how to use the sleep timer and she was good to go.
 View from Maysen's bed

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