Thursday, August 29, 2019

Got the Dress

I was able to get the dress Jorja wanted for Homecoming. I thought about driving up to Orem, but the shop doesn't open until 3:00 and I was worried about traffic. Today was the BYU/Utah football game in Provo. Driving up there did not sound like fun at all. Luckily I had taken a picture of the tag and was able to order the dress over the phone. This time I will have to pick up the dress in Orem though. For Sweethearts they had a pickup in Riverton, which was so nice. Oh well. The dress is beautiful and she will love it.

Jorja talked us all into going to get frozen yogurt today. It was fun. We drove separately. Mike took Preston and they went to the fish store after. I took Jorja and we went to my dad's class after. My dad teaches adult continuing education classes on Thursdays. I have always wanted to go, but was never able to. For years I took Stockton to diving on Thursdays. Anyway, my dad was starting a new class today titled Truth Will I Send Forth out of the Earth. It is about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. Jorja and I sat in the front row. My Aunt Gayle was behind us. The problem was... Jorja got sick in class. I thought she was getting a migraine. She hasn't had one of those in years. We left class early and I took her home. I got her medicine and she went straight to bed. Hope she feels better in the morning.

I stayed up and watched the BYU/Utah game. Mike watched it with me. He was a good sport and didn't fall asleep or make fun of me. Haha. BYU lost for the ninth time in a row. The first half was kind of close with a lot of bad breaks and mistakes for BYU. Utah dominated the third quarter. I think BYU only had the ball for two minutes the entire quarter. Hope they play better than this the rest of the season!

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