Friday, August 30, 2019

Please Not Again

Jorja was so sick this morning. Her throat hurt and she was terrified her mono was coming back. We heard that it can come back in rare cases, when it does it is worse than the first time. She was scared and upset and really doesn't want mono to ruin another year of high school for her. There was no way she could go to school this morning. She asked if she could have her phone and some medicine. She took Advil and then different essential oils hoping something would help her feel better. I also brought down her phone. Conner had sent her a message. That made her happy, even though she felt too sick to open it. Nice timing on that one. I called the school to tell them Jorja wouldn't be coming. The attendance lady said she refused for Jorja to have mono again. That lady is so nice. I have called so many times she recognizes my voice. Man, Jorja had a rough sophomore year.

Jorja slept until lunch time. She was feeling a lot better when she woke up. She asked if we could go to lunch at the Japanese place. If she feels good enough to eat I will take her anywhere she wants! Mike had the day off today so the three of us were able to go together. We dropped Jorja off on the way back. I walked in with her. I checked her in and had to get her a check out slip for the end of the day too. This was planned in advance. Jorja worked 3:00 - close. Usually she doesn't work starting at 3, but her manager called and asked if she could come in earlier. I have to check her out in order for her to get there in time. Luckily that doesn't happen often. Anyway, she was able to make it to Chinese. At least she got one class in.

I had to run to the store real quick and saw this ice-cream. It reminded me of Blake and Parker. I took a picture of it and was going to send it to Mike, when I realized this ice-cream would kill Blake. Poor kid. How awful to be allergic to everything.
Maysen came home today! I love having her home. Preston LOVES it when she is here. She gives him so much attention. Maysen and Preston had a sleepover in Maysen's room. Preston slept in Jorja's bed. They watched Total Drama Island together. Preston loved being with her. I had Jorja sleep upstairs. I knew she would come home super late because she was closing. She was planning on going to the temple with one of her friends. Too bad they cancelled at the last minute. When I took her phone for the night she asked me to check it before I woke her up to see if they were still going. That is how last minute the cancellation was. Anyway, I think she needs to get lots of sleep anyway, so this is probably for the best.

On a side note. Stockton has now been on his mission for seven months! I am so proud of him.

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