Thursday, July 4, 2019

Lazy Fourth

We had the laziest fourth of July and it was amazing. Mike made crepes this morning. I worked on Mina's stocking that came yesterday. Mike is making all sorts of crazy contraptions around the house. We went swimming in the backyard with Quacky Chan. Maysen and Preston watched fireworks on the roof. As we were eating dinner I got this text from a random lady. Yay! That made me so happy!
Two Elders, Elder Alia, Elder Smith
Jorja said her day was crazy. After she got to the school, super late, she ended up having a wild class. One kid climbed out the window. Haha! Still, she said she has LOVED this trip. I asked her if it was worth missing student government camp for. She said YES! Still wish I could have gone tho. True. I wish she could have gone to both, but this experience....this is something else! Jorja said this same organization does this in the fall, except students from Taiwan come over and are hosted by Corner Canyon kids. Abi told Jorja she would send her the information to sign up. Jorja REALLY wants to host someone. She also wants to go to Zupas with Abi and her dad straight from the airport. Haha. Jorja went to the batting cages today. She said she was awful, but it was still fun. She hasn't been in one of those for a long time.

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