Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Missed Bus

Jorja spent the day in the elementary schools again and loved it. She also sent me more of her journal, which was so fun to read. Communication has been very limited, so this was a gold mine! She also sent me these pictures and a video of her friends celebrating the fourth of July. It wasn't the fourth here, but it was there. Haha.
 Nicole & Jorja
Jorja texted me tonight, which was early morning for her. She didn't know what to do because she couldn't find Mia. They were supposed to be at the bus station at 5:50. It was 6:30 am when she was texting me. She thought Mia was still asleep. She had been calling her, but no answer. Jorja didn't know which room was Mia's either. They live in a five story house I think. They were super late when Jorja was finally able to get her up. Mia's dad ended up driving Jorja to the school. It is THREE hours away! Wow! That was so nice! He doesn't speak any English. Hope she made it okay!

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