Monday, July 15, 2019

Made it to Ohio

Maysen took Preston to Lagoon today. I love that. I love that they go on adventures together. Preston is so lucky to have her. Jorja worked during the day today. That worked out well because there was a tailgate activity for Alta tonight. She was not excited to go to it. She does not like parties. She went with Madison and said it was okay. Audrey went too, which was great. Jorja saw her there and said she looked like she was having a good time. Jorja came home from work with a ton of vaseline on her work pants. Jorja's face has been so dry since she came home from Taiwan. It hurts her a lot. She opened up this giant tub of vaseline to put on her face while she was driving home. It was pure liquid inside and spilled everywhere. I tried to get it out while Jorja was gone. I scraped everything off of it, scrubbed it with dish soap, soaked it....still there is a stain. Oh well.
Madison & Jorja
I talked to Rachel today. They have made it to Ohio! They also have a house that fell into their lap. It is in a good school district and has a large backyard. It is a bit smaller than their Florida house, but Rachel is excited. They are staying in temporary housing on the base now. Rachel was able to get the girls registered for school and was thrilled about that. Brett has baseball tickets on Friday. After that they will start their drive to Utah. Yay! Rachel also apologized a million times for the stocking she picked out for Mina. She feels bad because it is a lot of work. Silly Rachel. I sent her a picture of how much I have done on it so far. It's going to be beautiful.
I got to talk to Stockton today! I love, love, love talking to him. He sounds so happy. The family from the Congo has picked August 10th to be baptized. I hope Stockton will still be there! Transfers come the week before. Greg is going to be baptized on July 27th. They have another baptism scheduled for the 27th, but Stockton said the ward mission leader was overzealous on that one and he doesn't know how that will pan out. I love Mondays!

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