Sunday, July 14, 2019

Family Dinner

I woke my dad up early this morning and then we hit the road. We said goodbye to John and Renee last night. I didn't set an alarm, but I always wake up early. My dad wanted to stop by these statues on the way out of town. His friend Bruce Couch had told him about them. Bruce went on my dad's last church history trip with him. My dad has been their home teacher for years. My cousin Rozie is married to Bruce's brother. Anyway, we have never seen these statues before and they did look beautiful.
 My dad getting a closer picture
 Should I leave my dad and say I forgot he was taking a picture?
I was on a tour with my dad when he asked me to get out of the bus to take a picture of the new Kansas City Temple. I did what he asked and watched as the tour bus drove away. My dad claims he 'forgot' I was taking a picture.

I made it home in time for 10:30 church, which was great. We had dinner tonight at Steve and Shannon's house. All of Mike's siblings were there. Lisa is flying back to California tomorrow. Crazy Aunt Mona came, and it was great to see her. Her husband George is in the hospital right now. He had a really bad accident and they don't know if he will make it. He has hundreds of titanium plates in his face right now. Holly & Josh and their kids also came over. So fun to talk with them. One of her girls, I think one of her twins, was awesome at Code Names. She said 'revere' and got four picks. I can't remember what they all were. Things like revolution and horse. It was great.

Jorja hung out with Weston and Michael for a long time. Michael gave her a talking to about some of the boys she has liked in the past and it was awesome. Shannon wanted to take a serious picture of us posed the same.
Weston, Jorja, Michael, Stephanie
We were at Steve and Shannon's house until late. Such a great time! Sherry, Lisa and Michael were there pretty late too. Jacob and Weston are leaving on an HEFY trip on Tuesday. Jacob is going to Ecuador and Weston is going to Zimbabwe. Steve and Shannon will be empty nesters for a few weeks... so they are going to Hawaii.
Weston & Jorja

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