Saturday, July 13, 2019

Paul & Amanda

I picked up my dad this morning to head up to Idaho. He got in around midnight last night from one of his tours. We made pretty good time and got to Idaho Falls a few hours early. We stopped at Target so we could get Paul and Amanda a wedding present. Because we are procrastinators. We picked out a griddle from their list and were trying to figure out what to do about the wrapping. As we stood in the wrapping paper isle wondering if we needed to buy scissors and tape, Larkin walked by! Talk about timing. Tammi was with her. They invited us to their house so we could hang out and use their stuff. It was perfect. I wore my dress up to Idaho, but with my flip flops. I had my shoes in my bag. I went to change into them and realized I brought two different shoes. Both for the right foot. Whoops. I ended up wearing flip flops to the wedding.
Dad sleeping, my two different shoes
We sat by John & Renee during the wedding. Amanda's twin girls walked her down the isle. The ceremony was short and sweet. Everything turned out perfect, except my shoes.
There was a luncheon right after the wedding. I hung out behind the table with Brooke and Courtney. It was so great to see them! I loved this kid table Amanda set up.
I stayed after the luncheon until the end of the reception. I told Brooke I would help her, but I ended up just talking to my cousins. It was so nice to be able to have long conversations with several of them. My dad was a trooper. After the wedding we headed to John & Renee's house. It started raining while we were driving there. Then it got worse and worse. It was a giant downpour when we were in the driveway. We sat in the car for awhile waiting for it to lighten up. After about five or ten minutes we decided to make a break for it. I was pretty fast, but my dad got soaked. He dropped the plate of cookies we were taking to John and Renee and tried to pick everything up. It was funny.

We stayed up until midnight talking to them. John and Renee are going on the trip to Israel with us in November. Renee was so excited that my dad brought her homework. I told my dad I was planning on just showing up. John said he had the same plan. I got to sleep in Jordyn's room. I texted her pictures while I was at her house.
 Renee was too busy playing hostess, but I caught John and my dad
Jorja texted me right before I fell asleep. She had a date with Spencer tonight and was pretty sad after the date. I called and talked to her for awhile. She will be fine, she was just disappointed. Wish I could have been there for her.

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