Sunday, September 22, 2019

All His Cookies

I haven't been able to get photos on my computer for over two weeks! It has been frustrating and now I am sooooo behind. Luckily I was able to fix everything today by buying a new charging cord. If only I had done that sooner..... Anyway, I headed to New Mexico this morning. Mike met me at the airport. I was able to talk to him for about five minutes before Christen arrived. She drove up to the drop off lane. I said hi to her, got in their car and drove away. Nice little airport pickup there. Mike and Christen are going to California. Christen put the address for their church in the gps and I drove straight there. Their church building is weird and the parking is horrible, but I was able to get inside and find the chapel. The kids had their primary program today and they were absolutely adorable! I sat by Skye and waved to Parker lots of times. I haven't seen him for almost a year!

After sacrament meeting I made my way to the relief society room. I was there all by myself and was feeling awkward when Jorja texted. I left and sat in the hall so I could talk to her. She started stressing about who to ask to the Halloween dance. She really wants to ask someone she knows she will have a good time with because the dance is on her birthday. She decided on Spencer Langston. They have become really good friends lately. While I was sitting out in the hall, Parker's primary class walked by. Parker gave me this bag of cookies. I thanked him, gave him a hug and kissed his head. The teacher said, "I didn't know you knew her!" I guess all the kids gave these cookies away. The scripture talks about how God liveth a cheerful giver. When the kids got back to class more cookies were waiting for them. Parker told me he got more cookies because he gave all he had. So cute.
Jorja had two missionary farewells to go to today. Darby and Abby. I was sad to miss Darby's farewell.
Jorja & Darby
 Abby & Jorja
 Jorja's homecoming pictures.....
Chase & Jorja
 Madison & Jorja
 Chase & Jorja
 Jorja bonded with Ella on this dance

Jorja ended up asking Specner to the dance. Brynlee came over to help. I think some others were there too, I'm really not sure. She borrowed the lion costume from Jessie Lyon. I thought her poster was adorable.
Spencer & Jorja
I took Mike's kids to a cello concert for a girl in their ward. She was amazing. She is eight. Wow. Skye and I worked on a cross stitch. Her young women's leader gave her a bee cross stitch. It is small, but pretty hard. I kept telling Skye that it was not a beginning cross stitch. I unpicked the entire thing and taught her how to do it my way. I did not agree with the way the other lady had taught her. Haha.

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