Monday, September 23, 2019

Sooooo Much Homework

I got the kids off to school perfectly. Blake and Parker at the elementary school then Skye and Larkin at the middle school. Blake came home with so much homework. He worked on it for hours. I guess he was sick last week and missed a few days. He was determined to make up all his work today. He said he wasn't sure when it was due and he didn't want to get in trouble. As soon as he came home from school he started. He took a break and watched a movie while I was talking to Stockton, then started back up again and worked until I forced him to go to bed around 10:00. It was crazy.

Skye had soccer practice today and Larkin was picked up for her softball game. I would have gone to watch Larkin, but I wanted to talk to Stockton. Luckily Larkin has another game on Wednesday, so I'll get to see her play! I didn't get to see her play last time I was here.
Larkin with her giant water bottle
Stockton was so fun to talk to! He is getting along with his companion, even though his companion is a ladies man. Hahahaha. Stockton sounded happy and said things are going really well. Yay! Jorja sent me this picture. Not sure what these guys are doing. I know it is student government though. I think they got to play during student government in the new field house.

I had to take a screen shot of this. I asked Jorja about it. She hadn't heard anything yet. Well, turns out if you have the Chick-Fil-A app and the opposing team misses two straight free throws in the fourth quarter, everyone gets chicken! Wow! I wonder how crazy this will get?

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