Sunday, September 29, 2019


Jorja was planning on going to Traven's mission farewell with her friend Jessie. Except Jessie slept through her alarm. Jorja does not like to go places by herself. She tried texting the other girls in student government to see if she could sit by them, but didn't get an answer fast enough. I was in my pajamas and Jorja needed to leave. I told her I would come with her if she wanted. She wanted. I was surprised. So, I threw on some clothes in five seconds and we were out the door. I was mostly excited to go to Traven's building. It is the same building I went to church at when I was growing up. I would lean over and say random things to Jorja during the meeting. "This is the building where my mom's funeral was." "Her casket was right up there." "I took off her ring before they closed the casket in a room over there." Okay, so most of my memories revolved around my mom's funeral. Anyway, when sacrament meeting was over Jorja went to say hi to Traven and I went exploring. I wandered around and ended up by the bishop's office. I remember that being my dad's office. Then I saw plaques for the Young Women's medallion and Eagle Scout. I should have taken a picture, because my name was right there. Bubs, Brett and Mike were on the Eagle Scout side. It is weird to see Stephanie Millburn after all these years. Fun to show Jorja though.

Jorja dropped me off at church then headed home. I would have been tempted to skip this sacrament meeting but they asked me to say the closing prayer. Audrey was sick today too, so I sat by myself. Then we had a combined third hour and they asked the families to all sit together. Again, by myself.
Traven & Jorja
Jorja posted this cute goodbye message to Traven. I loved the message she wrote in Chinese. It says, "Taiwan friends! This is my friend Traven. He's going to Taiwan next month, please take care of him!!"
Jorja did go with Jessie to Traven's get together thing after. Mike and Preston made it home from fishing. Yay! I hadn't seen them for a week, so it was good to have them back. We played some new games they bought. While we were playing, Spencer came over and answered Jorja to the Halloween dance. He came in and played with us. That made Jorja happy. She was proud of me.
Spencer & Jorja

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