Monday, September 30, 2019

Stalker Table

Every once in a while, Mike and I like to go to Chick-Fil-A and spy on Jorja. We sit at the 'stalker table'. It is a little two seater table. We always move it just a bit so we have a perfect view of her. She loves it. Haha. While we were there this time, Jorja had her one on one interview. She loved us there watching her. Just kidding! As she walked by she said to us, "Hey guys! I'm going to get fired!" She was obviously joking. Mike and I left shortly after I took this picture, but it was so funny to be there for a bit.
Work Hailey & Jorja
Also, Mondays are the best days because I get to talk to Stockton! He said this week is already done. Not a lot of work will be happening because everything is already planned out. They have zone conference and then there is General Conference. Should be a nice fun week for him.

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