Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Temple and Food Bank

Jorja went to the temple this morning with a bunch of people. I went to the temple today too. I was proud of myself for being able to make an endowment session. Perfect timing. Except, right as I was walking out the door Jorja texted me saying she forgot she needed $15 for PLT. She needed it by 10:10. Welp, it was a nice thought. I still went to the temple and did initatories. It wasn't crowded there at all and I was able to go in and out pretty quickly. I dropped Jorja's money off in her locker. Which was completely empty, because she never uses it! I think it is so funny that she has the exact same locker this year as she did last year.
Travis, Spencer, Jordan, Jorja, Madison, Ben, Hailey
 Travis, Spencer, Jorja, Madison, Hailey
 Spencer & Jorja
Jorja went to the Chick-Fil-A service project today. It was at the food bank. Madison and Ebony were there too. She had a great time.
Troy (the owner), whole bunch of people I don't know
Madison, Ebony, Jorja, someone else I don't know
Preston also went to the temple today for young mens. Also young womens too, but Jorja and Ebony were at the food bank. Both of them went to the temple this morning, although they didn't see each other which is so weird!

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