Wednesday, October 2, 2019

If Stephanie were a Man

Jorja got a long message from Chase today. It stressed her out. Basically he told her how much he liked her. She texted back that the message was probably one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to her, but she wasn't looking to be in a relationship right now and that she was really sorry, but she didn't feel the same way. Jorja sent her message right before seminary, then realized she had that class with Chase. She started panicking and was too scared to go inside. I ended up checking her out and letting her come home for the day. She did have a very busy day after school. Exercise with Kerity, then work until close. It was nice to let her come home and have a quick nap. She keeps getting headaches, so this will help her make it through the rest of the day.

Preston came home in tears today. They had book club, and he was prepared. At least he thought he was. His group changed the book and didn't let Preston know. This is the second time this has happened. I'm not sure if Preston just misunderstands what is going on, or if because these guys are twelve they just forget to tell everyone. Anyway, we now have to find the new book and have him read the entire thing by next week.

When I was with Blake and Parker they loved playing with the Snapchat filters. There is one that will make you look like a man. We laughed and laughed when we did mine. I totally look like my brothers! That's crazy!
Stephanie with the man filter - weird that my eyes aren't blue here

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