Thursday, October 3, 2019

Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

Jorja texted me this morning with 'wearing contacts = bad idea' I texted her back with 'crashing into the washer = bad idea'. I mostly sent her a picture because she HATES feet. Haha. It did hurt really bad though. And my feet are gross.
Jorja texted me most of the day. "I think I might be dying" "I feel like I stood up too fast" "It's kind of hard to see" "If I try to focus on something it gets all swimmy" "I think my old contacts are straining my eye" "I'm dizzy" "I wanna take a nap" "It's getting better" "I think I actually need to come home"

Anyway, I checked Jorja out of school and picked her up because she couldn't drive herself home. She came home and slept for three hours. The eye doctor called me last Saturday and said Jorja has 'Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension'. I'm not sure what that means. When I google it, it says it mimics symptoms of a brain tumor. At least it's not a brain tumor. We have another eye appointment in a week. He is going to see if the pressure on her brain has changed at all. If it is the same, that is good. If it is worst, that is very, very bad. I decided not to think about it. There is nothing I can do, and I will just worry myself sick if I think about it. I cried just a bit when I called the attendance office to check her out. They recognize my voice from calling so much. I can't believe how sick she has been the past year. It's just crazy.

Jorja felt a lot better when I woke her up to go to work. She wore her glasses and all was well. Jorja was in charge of the shift tonight and was SO PROUD that they got out at 10:20. That is amazing!
Boy worker, Jorja, Logan

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