Friday, October 4, 2019


I wanted to show this to Jorja, but keep forgetting...
I spent the day making rolls for our dinner group. I put three cups of flour in and was mixing everything fine when I noticed there was some kind of bug in the flour! Not in the bowl, but in the container. GROSS! I decided to start over, because ewwww. I dumped all the flower out, washed the container, got another bag of flour out of the pantry, opened it up and saw......more bugs! Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! I got rid of that as fast as I could. Threw everything away, washed everything and headed to the store. Luckily I started the rolls early this morning, so I was able to start again. So disgusting.

We had been planning on going up to the cabin to listen to conference. I wanted to make a cake up there to celebrate Maysen's birthday. At the last minute I decided to run down to Nothing Bundt Cakes and see if they had a lemon cake. They did, but the only frosting they use is cream cheese. I don't think Maysen would like that. I went to Sam's Club next. Jorja asked me if I could pick up her pictures she ordered a few days ago. I did not expect for the ENTIRE photo department to be gone. We had the confirmation number and the status said, "Pick up in store" It just isn't there anymore. A worker tried to help me. She said that Saturday they were told the photo department was going away and Sunday they took it down. Jorja ordered her pictures on Tuesday. I guess no one told the IT department to take that off of their website. Luckily she didn't pay for them online. Jorja was so sad because she wanted to work on her scrapbook during conference. So, I hurried to Office Depot and bought some photo paper. Mike got the photo printer working and packed it all up to take. Crisis adverted.

Jorja had a football game she really wanted to go to. It is against Lehi and she has several friends that go to that school. Too bad none of them made it to the game. She still had a lot of fun though. It was a 'Neon Out' so she dressed all in pink. Alta was losing most of the game, but got two touchdowns in the last two minutes to win the game, or something like that. Jorja said it was so fun.
Jorja at Madison's door
 Aysha, Spencer, Jorja, Isaac
 Lots of people
 Madison & Jorja
Mike and I had the best time at our dinner group. It was at the Tanner's house. Jonathan and Laura Tanner, Becky Bingham, Clint and Megan Okerlund were there. Steve Barton came at the very end. We just had the best time. It was a lot of fun. When we left, we packed up the motorhome and headed up to Idaho around 10:00. Maysen drove up herself and got there this evening. She turned on the water and heat by herself. I told Maysen we would probably be there around 2:00 am unless we pulled over to sleep. Jorja and Preston slept in our bed in the back and were super cozy. Mike was able to make it to the cabin with no problem. I fell asleep on the couch. I am not a night person at all. We left Jorja and Preston to sleep in the motorhome when we got to the cabin. It was warm all warm and toasty when we arrived. I love my family. I love being up here with them. It is my favorite.

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