Monday, September 16, 2019

Bye Alia, Hello Iwaniec

I got to talk to Stockton today! He is getting a new companion tomorrow named Elder Iwaniec. I hope they get along as well as he did with Elder Alia and Elder White. Stockton also is the new district leader. Good luck with that! Elder Alia is being transferred to the area where the 
Swahili family moved! That's pretty cool.

I was talking on the phone with Stockton when Jorja left to the Homecoming Pageant. She is escorting Abram Berry and looked so beautiful. I asked Madison to take a picture of Jorja for me, but she forgot. She did manage to leave these gems on Jorja's phone. So, I will post these pictures of Madison instead.
Jorja said she and Abram had an awesome handshake that they did when they got to the stage. This pageant was a lot less stressful because all Jorja had to do was escort. Last year she was on the pageant committee and had to do a lot more. She went to Leatherbys with student government after. She hasn't felt super connected with the other kids in student government this year. Hopefully she will feel more like she belongs by the end of this week. They do spend a lot of time together during homecoming week.
Person I don't know and Jorja
 Jorja & Carter
Jorja late at night when she finally got home
 I love her
 Cute info post Jorja made

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