Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Today in Jorja's student government class they were able to check out the new field house. Jorja said it's pretty cool. They are hoping to have homecoming in there, which would be a lot more fun than the gym. Guess we'll see on Saturday!
Jorja was a little annoyed because one of the boys in student government told her that he was going to run for student body president next year for the parking space and wasn't planning on doing any work. Why would anyone say that out loud? Luke Vickory heard and said, "Please don't do that." Sam Strong, the current SBO president, tried to tell the kid that all the senior officers get parking spaces, don't go for president if you aren't planning to work. I wish there was some kind of accountability for the kids that have no desire to work. Like, a minimum they need to do in order to run again. Or, I wish the vote wasn't straight student vote, I wish the advisors had a say. The problem is, the kids that are voting have no idea who is actually working in student government and who isn't doing a thing. Kind of frustrating.
 My weekly update sent to Rachel
I've been a little obsessed with this.
I WILL finish by our trip to Israel in November!
I checked Jorja out of school and took her to her dermatologist appointment in Bountiful. We were in and out pretty quick. Next time she needs blood drawn. She's going to love that. Jorja was called into work today, which meant she missed the combined youth activity. They did the Amazing Race. Mike and I happened to walk outside while we saw a group of about twelve kids walking in front of our house. Mike yelled, "Go team green!" Preston was with them, so that was great. Brenton yelled out, "It's not as cool as the race you did for Sweethearts!" Haha. That made me happy. I bet Carson talked to him about it. Preston wasn't too impressed with the race. He said that is was four teams of twelve and the leader just had the stuff on a list instead of having clues handed out. He said most of the stuff were things like minute to win it games, or doing pushups. The coolest one was a person was in a inter tube and pulled across a swimming pool and had to shoot a basketball once they got there. The only bummer was the groups were so big only a few people got to participate. Mike and I tried to explain to Preston that we put an insane amount of work into the race when we do it, just enjoy what they were able to put together. I guess Preston watched us (and helped us) work on Jorja's race that he got his hopes up a bit.

I came down to tuck Jorja into bed and found her with a hanger on her head. I guess no one told her she is sixteen.....

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