Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wildlife Wednesday

I cannot believe I forgot to take a picture of when the clock made it into the 200s! I did snap a 500 picture not planning on using it. Oh well. But....499 looks so much better than 730!
Today was Wildlife Wednesday for Homecoming week. Yesterday she went with Chase to pick out a costume. They couldn't buy it because Savers caught on fire while they were there. Chase went back to pick it up while Jorja was at work. They decided to be flamingos. Jorja didn't end up wearing the shirt Chase went back for....she borrowed this one from Madison.
 Chase & Jorja
I spent a lot of the day in the dark. I was exercising downstairs when the power went off. So, I worked out for about twenty minutes in the dark. Haha. The power was out for several hours, which was annoying because I planned on doing laundry today. Oh well. Mike didn't get home until after midnight tonight. I had a Chinese meeting. Most of the information I already knew. I did get to see Mr. Chen though. I haven't seen him in years! He had Jorja in Chinese for three years. 5th, 6th and 7th grade. He works at Butler Middle School now. He asked about Jorja the second he saw me. I told him that she wasn't shy anymore. Hahaha. Preston and I played 5 Straight tonight. He won the first game and I won the second one. He is really good at forcing me to play my low cards on high numbers. Annoying. The only reason I ended up winning the second game was he ended up with four high number cards that he was blocked from playing. Luck ran out on my lucky boy tonight! 

Jorja met with Kerity after school and then went to work from 5-11:00. This was her first time being the only shift leader. She trained someone on closing too and was able to get out by 11:00. She was quite proud of herself. Also, Jorja has been doing great in math. Her teacher called her back to talk about her test and she was so nervous! When she got back there the teacher told her how proud she was of her. She only missed one on the entire test. Much, much, much higher than the median and average. Yay Porge! Jorja said that last year she bonded with Chad, but didn't understand him as a teacher. This year she doesn't bond as well with the teacher, but completely understands how she teaches. She is very happy with the way things are this year!

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