Thursday, September 19, 2019


I checked Jorja out of school again today. She had a doctor appointment at the Eye Institute of Utah. She had to get an OCT test. I have never heard of that before. She had to stare at the back of some machine while wearing an eye patch and click a button every time she saw a light. I guess this was taking pictures of the back of her eye or something like that. Hopefully everything is okay. I asked the lady if she knew why Jorja needed this test. I couldn't remember what the doctor had told me. She said that on Jorja's file it says she was diagnosed with pseudopapilledema. Which I think is okay. They want to make sure she doesn't have plain old regular papilledema. That would be bad. That is my understanding at least.

After the appointment, Jorja and I stopped by the mall and grabbed some more concealer and something for Jorja to eat. I dropped her off at a nail place with Cori. She picked light blue nails. I went down to Orem to pick up Jorja's dress from the rental shop. She looks adorable in it. I love it.
It looks soooo good on her, she just doesn't like the shoes she was planning on wearing. We found some red earrings at the mall, so now she wants red shoes. We'll see if we can find something. Who knows..... It was the pep rally tonight. Jorja was in the parade with student government. I love this picture she sent me.
 Jorja & Isaac with Joe photobombing
 Jorja & Kelsey
 Jorja & Spencer
 Jaren & Jorja

They were able to light the A, but it burned out really quickly. The regular frame they have used for years to light the A was thrown away accidentally by the construction crew last spring. They got something hastily put together. At least they were able to kind of do something.
Jorja went with student government to In and Out after the pep rally. She came home happy. Mike, Preston and I played Hearts and Preston destroyed us. It wasn't even close. How is he already so good at this game? How is he so good at every game he plays? Anyway, I will end with these progression pictures of student government. I just think it is funny to see them all together. Plus, then I can tell Jorja was jumping in the picture I liked.
 Collage Jorja made for her phone

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