Friday, September 20, 2019

Shoe Clerk

These were some questions that were handed out for the yearbook. Jorja never even turned hers in last year. This time she answered the awkward door step question. "He asked for a goodnight kiss, I gave him a goodnight fist bump." Hahaha. True story. I love her.
Jorja asked if she could go with Ben to Chick-Fil-A after school. She wanted to order a chicken mini platter for breakfast tomorrow. Ben was ordering one too. They get 25% off because they work there, so that's nice. I told Jorja it would be okay to go as long as she would go shopping with me after. She took forever getting home and I was annoyed with her. I was worried she would rush off to the game and I would be stuck getting last minute homecoming stuff. I absolutely hate shopping.
Jorja & Ben
We had to pick up a few things at Target and were also hoping by some miracle they would have red heals. They had perfect ones, except they weren't in Jorja's size. We had them call other stores, but no one had her size. Sad. While we were at Target Jorja got a phone call that made her sad. I won't go into details, she just felt bad after it. She wanted to just leave and check JCPenneys for heals. We are in the store for two seconds and I've lost Jorja. I turn around and she is talking to the shoe salesperson. Who just happens to be Conner. She had no idea this is where he worked. She was sooooo happy. Her mood instantly changed. We talked with him for a long time. Made Jorja's day. Made her week actually. Preston's friend Jack called while we were there. I walked away to answer the phone. Jorja and Conner finished talking while I was away. I was a bit disappointed because I wanted to get a picture of them. Jorja showed me the selfie she took.
Conner & Jorja
We stopped and were looking up places for other shoes before we left the store. We ended up walking right by Conner again. I told them I needed another picture because the selfie just wasn't going to cut it.
Jorja had tears in her eyes when we walked away. It made me nervous for what had happened when I was talking to Jack. I asked her if she was okay. She said she just forgot how much she missed him, but there was no way she was going to let him see her cry because he teases her for crying at everything. That made me laugh. She doesn't cry that much. Mostly when she leaves her friends without knowing when she will see them again. We found some shoes in the mall that will be perfect. Jorja made me leave by another exit so we wouldn't walk by Conner again.
Jorja was tempted to miss the Homecoming game. She was tired. She ended up texting her friend Luke. He went to Alta for two years and now goes to Corner Canyon. She asked him if he wanted to go see the halftime show and not stay too long. He texted back that he was on his way to the Corner game. He called her two minutes later and said he was turning around to go with her. They met at the game and then left for dinner somewhere. She had fun hanging out with him, but told me seeing Conner was her favorite part of her day. Hahaha
Joe, Gage, Seurette, Jorja

 Abram & Jorja ~ both years Jorja has escorted at the pageant, her guy has won homecoming king :)
 Jorja & Luke

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