Friday, September 13, 2019

Decorations and Football

Jorja's head didn't hurt her at all today! Yay! She didn't take her face medicine, but she did take Advil before the football game just in case. Jorja had a math test and felt really good about it. Hopefully she did well. She stayed after school to work on decorations for Homecoming Week. The last two years they have done the Homecoming Week decorations on a day off of school. They didn't have that option this year. Also, the school is under construction and it makes everything difficult.
 For some reason student government was hanging out in the mens faculty bathroom. No idea why.
Jorja went out to eat with student government. Chick-Fil-A. Then back to the game. She got a great seat, so she was thrilled with that. She has some good friends that go to Corner Canyon, but was unable to find them. They were the ones who went to Taiwan with her. Alta got creamed, but that was expected.
Spencer & Jorja
Jorja went to Cafe Rio with her friends after the game and came home very happy. I'm glad she had a good day after two miserable ones.

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