Thursday, September 12, 2019


I went to the temple today. When I came out I had messages from Jorja on my phone. "I think my head is going to explode" "How many Advil is too many" "I've already had four" She only had one more class left by the time I got out. I asked her on a scale of 1-10 how bad her head was hurting. She said it was only a 6 now, but earlier it was a 10, where she couldn't see again. Oh boy. Jorja was supposed to start working with Kerity for personal training today. I let her know and she wanted Jorja to just go on a walk and they would start Monday. Jorja's wondering if it is because of all the dust at Alta right now. She hasn't been sick at home. She did sleep for several hours after she got home. She was supposed to work, but somehow another person ended up with her shift. That was good timing. I called and talked to the dermatologist. She has an appointment on Tuesday and they recommended stopping the medicine until they can meet with her. Jorja said she would rather deal with the headaches then get her acne back. She has had a lot of back pain lately too. They said that was for sure because of the medicine. Anyway, hopefully we can get this figured out.

After Jorja's long nap, I went on a walk with her. It was great to be able to talk with her. She sounded so much better (health wise) than she has been the last couple of days. The Alta/Corner Canyon football game is tomorrow. It is a black out/prop out. Jorja wanted to go get a prop with Hailey. Hailey ended up having soccer too late, so she went with Spencer. She got a squid hat and a dinosaur on a stick. Jorja also finally answered Chase tonight. She made the poster when her head was throbbing, but it will do the trick.
Jorja & Spencer
Jorja is hoping she dropped it off at the right house. She couldn't find any street numbers and she doesn't know where Chase lives. So... here's hoping it is at the right house.

In other news, Mike, Preston and I played an entire game of Hearts with the giant cards. Preston destroyed us. I lost, but Preston won by a long shot.

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