Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Eye Problems

We had a relief society activity at the park today. It was supposed to be a hike and brunch. Megan picked me up for it. It was overcast when we left my house. By the time we got to the park a few minutes away it was pouring rain. Needless to say, the hike was cancelled. There were only a few of us there. We talked under the pavilion until it was time for brunch. Our fingers were frozen by that point. Megan made a plate for Ashley and we headed home. I filled up a cup with homemade granola to give to Jorja. I thought she would love that. Too bad I accidentally dumped the entire cup in Megan's car as I was getting inside. Megan had just pulled into the driveway when Jorja texted me. "Mom im dying" "Idk what's happening I have the worst headache" "I think it's my contacts" "I can't see" It was still pouring rain and I only had Mike's jeep at home. I wasn't planning on going anywhere today. Megan offered to take me to Alta. We picked up Jorja and Megan gave her Ashley's plate of food. Jorja slept for a few hours. Megan recommended an eye doctor to me. Jorja has been complaining about her eyes a lot. They have been hurting her every time she wears her contact. For the last year or so she has complained about the words being fuzzy or moving when she tries to read. I don't remember the last time she read a book. I have been trying to help her and read to her when I can. I don't even know who to ask about it. Jorja's reading level has always been way above average, but now she gets headaches when she reads. Anyways, I thought I might as well ask an eye doctor about it since she has been having so many problems recently.
I had to take Jorja to the doctors in the rain. I couldn't get the top up by myself. I have never paid attention when Mike has done it. Jorja had her Alta blanket over her head on the way down. This doctor's office was next to Alta, so it wasn't far at all. Jorja was pretty out of it. She was acting like she did when she had mono. She couldn't focus and kind of zoned out a lot when the doctor was talking to her. He did a lot of tests on her. She has to go to the eye institute of Utah for some more tests. Something was sitting high on her brain, I can't remember. It didn't sound like a big deal unless it got worse. I started thinking about the accutane she is taking and talked to the doctor about it. He thinks that is why the contacts are bothering her now. They are a great brand and she uses them one time before throwing them away. Hopefully the accurate isn't causing the brain thing. Then we will have a big problem.
Jorja ~ I absolutely hate it when she sticks out her tongue
Jorja had to work tonight. Her eyes were dilated and it was a struggle, but she made it. Mike and I went to Walgreens and bought some fish oil, eye drops and a hot eye compress for Jorja. Mike also found giant playing cards. We played a few rounds of Hearts with Preston. He was not happy to stop playing when it was bedtime. Hard to be a kid.
Preston & Stephanie

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