Saturday, September 7, 2019


I was pretty sick yesterday and a bit sick today. That made me very lazy. I did get a lot of work on Mina's stocking done though. Jorja left this morning to meet some EFY friends for breakfast up in Lehi. I was super nervous for her to drive there. Driving North doesn't bother me, but driving South is a different story. There is always a ton of construction and the lanes move and are narrow. She navigated it just fine, and didn't die. So that was good.
Madison, EFY friend, Jorja, EFY friend
Last night Preston bought a new Jackbox game (after pounding us in Masterpiece) ~ anyway, when Jorja got back we played with her. Our favorite game is this bomb game. Well, at least it's my favorite. Stockton will love it. Jorja had to close at work today. One of her friends, Spencer, was having a birthday party. Jorja gets major anxiety going to parties, but she really wanted to go to this one. It helped that she knew Madison would be there. She didn't get off work until 11:00 and we made her be home by midnight, so she didn't get much time there. It was good for her to be brave though.

Preston HAD A FRIEND OVER! He loved it too! Jack came over. They played with the wands, went swimming, had pizza and played Minecraft. They had a great time, even though they look like robots in the picture.
Preston & Jack
I LOVED watching the BYU/Tennessee game. Brett, Mike and John were all there. What a great game to be at! Tennessee had a 99.6% chance of winning the game with 30 seconds left. BYU ended up winning in double overtime. I was cheering so loud, then would realize I was still sick and my body would revolt. Still, it was a fantastic game.

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