Sunday, September 8, 2019

24 Years

Mike and I have been married for twenty-four years! Holy moly! Remington Jarvis had her mission farewell and Jaxson Heaton had his mission homecoming today. Remington gave a great talk, unfortunately Jaxson only had six minutes for his farewell. I'm not sure why the Bishop didn't just ask the choir to sing a different day. Jaxson did great though. Jorja left right before Jaxson's talk so she could make it to Cade's farewell. He is going to Texas. Spanish speaking.
Cade & Jorja
When Jorja got home we made caramel apples and they were so, so good! We also played more Jackbox games. Jorja kind of had a meltdown at the end of the day. (When I say meltdown, she wasn't screaming or crying or anything like that. She was just sooooo frustrated and kept saying how stupid she is. Which is completely false. She is much smarter than she gives herself credit for. She just has to work harder in math than Stockton did.) Luckily I was able to figure out how to do it and we worked through her problems together. I hate how the kids don't have math books anymore. Jorja has done really well in math this year. Tonight she just shut down for a bit. She had it figured out before we went to bed though.

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