Monday, September 9, 2019

Worn Out

The car tires on the Pilot are worn out. So bad that you can see the metal strip. Mike saw it yesterday and told me not to drive that car anywhere. We were able to get it to the tire store today, so that's good. It did mean that I didn't have a car today. No big deal. I just did laundry and worked on Mina's stocking. Jorja's eyes have been hurting her a lot lately. Her contacts have really been bothering her. I'm not sure what to do about it. Jorja didn't have to close at work today and she wanted to meet us for frozen yogurt. We played Apples to Apples while we were there. Nice quick little family night.
Preston, Stephanie, Mike, Jorja
Becky called to see if I wanted to go to lunch with her. We went to Zaos. It was fun to catch up with her. I also got to talk to Stockton today. I love Mondays! After four and a half months, this is his last week with Elder Alia. Hope they enjoy it!

Mike bought me a plane ticket today to go to New Mexico. I'm going there at the end of September and watching his kids while he and Christen go to California for a work thing. He'll also get to go visit his mission while he is there, so that will be cool. No balloon festival thing this time, but I'm excited to see his kids again! It should be fun!

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