Sunday, September 1, 2019

Millie's Toe

I was texting Rachel a bit this afternoon. I sent her a picture of the progress on Mina's stocking. I am loving it so far. It is hard, but it looks so beautiful! I just wish my eyes were better. Luckily Mike has these weird goggle things that I can look through when I need to. My goal is to have this finished before our Israel trip. That way I can give it to Rachel there, and I won't have to worry about sending it through the mail. We get back right before Thanksgiving, so she should have time to put it together.
We had dinner at Matt and Sam's today. Jorja cleaned out her closet, so we had bags of clothes to give Ella. She was thrilled! Hopefully the dresses fit her. She said she only has one dress right now. Jorja sent several, so fingers crossed they are her size! Jorja also gave back Sam's cowboy hat. Jorja went through a phase where she LOVED Jett and Cord from the Amazing Race. Sam gave this hat to her then, and she loved it. It was nice because she was able to use it during student government last year when their dance was Cotton-Eyed Joe. Anyway, she felt she was okay parting with it now. Matt had a hat from someone that stayed at their Airbnb. She is an Olympic bobsledded and was in Park City for training. She left behind a cowboy hat.
Matt & Stephanie
We had a delicious dinner and everything was great until Millie got hurt. Half of her toenail ripped off, but not all the way. After googling what to do, it was decided the toenail needed to come off. Sam took care of her. Which was great, because I couldn't look at what was happening. Amelia was so brave! She barely cried. After awhile she started to look pale. Bubs held her hand while Sam took off her toenail. Towards the end she muttered that she was sick. Poor girl! She did amazing! No way would my kids have handled this as well....especially as six year olds!
Amelia, Bubs, Maysen
 Millie's Toe
Once the toenail was off, Sam put Neosporin on it and bandaged it up. Matt went and found some children's Advil to give to her. What a trouper.
Matt giving Millie medicine, Gayle's shoulder, Anne, Bubs, Maysen's shoulder
We came home and listened to Avoid It! A talk by Lynn G. Robbins that Stockton wanted us to listen to. It talked about eating chocolate chip cookies which made us laugh. We made chocolate chip cookies before we went to dinner today. Preston also read a book Burke brought over yesterday. Their book group changed the book and we couldn't find it anywhere. Jaime was having a hard time finding it too. We still haven't gotten ours, but Jaime was able to get it on Friday. She had Burke read the first 100 pages as fast as possible and then passed it to Preston. He read them and then wrote questions. He is the 'host' for his group, so he needed to have this done. I'm so glad Burke got this book to him in time! Hopefully the rest of the books this year will be easier to find.

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