Monday, September 2, 2019

Lazy Labor Day

To day was a pretty relaxing day. Maysen got ready to go back to school, Jorja worked on her scrapbook until she had to go to work at 2:00, Preston played Minecraft and Mike worked on wand stations. He is really excited about some insult station he is making. We all went to Zupas for lunch. Well, Mike took Preston and they stopped at Arby's on the way down. Jorja drove Maysen and I. Jorja went straight to work after. Maysen left for home soon after we got back. She said the traffic was great and was able to get home quickly. About five minutes after she returned she realized she left all of her books here. Oops. We were able to find kindle versions for three of the books and the last one I took pictures of the pages she needed and texted them to her. That should hold her over until we see her again in two weeks.

We got to talk to Stockton today for about ten minutes. Short, but great! Next transfer the area he is in will be a biking area. His bike is falling apart. He has wanted to stick it out, but that seems less of a good idea now. A lot of the missionaries in his mission spend most of their mission in the car. Stockton has had a bike area from the git-go. That's pretty funny. I think Stockton's worried that we will buy him a new bike then he will be in car areas the rest of the time. Anyway, it was good to talk with him. He did exchanges twice last week, since Elder Alia is the district leader. One of the exchanges was with someone who played lacrosse with Brandon. He was at Brandon's mission call opening. We were there too. Pretty funny.

Jorja stayed late after work and was taught how to do tills. Luckily they closed at 8:30, so it wasn't as late as it could have been. She was excited to learn this, but came home super grumpy. She has been very moody lately. The doctor has her on birth control pills because she is on accutane. I wonder if that is why she gets so sad. Not sure if I should make her go off of them or ride it out another month and see what happens.

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