Tuesday, September 3, 2019


Nothing too exciting today. Exercise, laundry, dishes, clean bathrooms... the basics. Jorja had a busy day. She worked on homework as soon as she got home. Left for the volleyball game, went to Chick-Fil-A to talk with one of her managers about shift leader stuff, hurried to Zupas with student government for a fund raiser. Home after ten. Hopefully she can keep up with everything this year. She has lost a lot of her confidence. She never has had acne before and now she is worried about her weight. She looks fantastic, but she isn't fourteen anymore. Plus, the mono reeked havoc on her body. She just feels out of shape. I called Jaren's mom Kerity today. I had heard she was a personal trainer. She is. I asked her if she could work with Jorja. I know she will take great care of her. Jorja was so good to Jaren when he moved here, I know his mom will always love Jorja for that. I felt she was the perfect person to help. I feel like Jorja is at a crossroads. I want to help her get healthy habits that will benefit her entire life. I don't want her to become paralyzed with negative self image and a bad relationship with food. I talked to Kerity for awhile and I think it will be perfect. Jorja was excited when I talked to her about it. It will be expensive though. I'm cancelling my membership at the gym and a few other things. Kerity is going to work with her on Mondays and Wednesdays after school. I'm excited about this new adventure.

In other news, Mike, Preston and I played Contagion again. Yesterday I won, but today Preston beat me by three points. Boo.

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