Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Break Light

Today was laid back. Our car has been acting up. Every once in awhile it won't shift out of park. Super annoying. Mike read up on it and figured out what the problem was. Sometimes when I hit the brakes, the brake light doesn't work. This causes the car to not shift. We went to check it out. The brake light didn't work one out of every five times we used it. Yikes! Mike bought a $15 part and was able to fix it when he came home from work. I did not want to drive until it was fixed, so instead I spent the day working on Mina's stocking. My goal is to finish it before my trip to Israel. Then I can give it straight to Rachel and don't have to worry about it getting lost in the mail. My Uncle Mark is now coming and is going to room with my dad, so Rachel and I will have our own room. Maybe sometimes Jordyn will have a sleepover with us. I'm super excited about this. Israel with my dad, sister-in-law, cousin, three uncles and two aunts. It's going to be great!

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