Thursday, September 5, 2019

New Shift Leader

I got to spend time with Laura today! We went to lunch and talked for about an hour and a half. Then she had to go home to pick up her kids. I didn't get a picture with her, but I did take a picture of beet lemonade. Whoops! I took this picture to send to Bubs. His kids love beets for some weird reason.
After school, Jorja went with quite a few friends to In and Out. The purpose was for Jorja and her homecoming date to feel more comfortable around each other. That didn't work out. She said he only said two things to her and walked away twice while she was talking to him. Later that night he texted her and apologized for not talking to her. She answered that she wasn't sure what he wanted her to do. He said they just need to hang out more. Problem is, Jorja is soooo super busy. The little time she has she doesn't want to spend in awkward situations over and over again. Hopefully things will be fine by the time the dance comes around.

It fantastic news.... Jorja finished her checklist to be a shift leader. She was determined to be the first one to finish and she was. By a long shot. Some of her friends received their list months ago and are still working on it. Jorja was tracking down managers and calling people to get this done. I'm so proud of her. She also has been put in charge of social media for Draper Chick-Fil-A. She is to post on their Instagram and Facebook account. Instagram will be no problem. Jorja has never bothered to figure out Facebook, so we'll see where that goes.
Jorja ~ new shift leader
I went to my dad's class today. As I was leaving I got a text to hurry home so we could go bowling as a family. Jorja has been wanting to go a lot. Mostly she wants to learn so she won't be embarrassed on dates. Too bad Stockton isn't here for this. Preston got over one hundred on both games. He did have the bumpers on, but still! We went to Olympus Hills bowling alley and Preston loved the computer screens that would do weird things with your face. Also, he kept doing magic tricks with quarters and then just got super silly about it. I love him.

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