Monday, October 21, 2019

Bad News Day

Mike texted us this picture saying he was all ready for the World Series tomorrow
Today was a long day. Jorja felt miserable and she ended up staying home the entire day. I texted her teachers and they were all really nice about it. Just kind of scary since the quarter ends on Friday. Still, wisdom teeth are not fun. Jorja slept until noon. I hung out with her after that and we watched Kim's Convenience. Sam found out that that she has placental abruption, placental prevue AND placental accreta. Not good. She is only 23 weeks along. They are hoping she makes it to 28 weeks. If she happens to make it to 34 weeks that will be amazing! They will deliver the baby then and Sam will have a hysterectomy. One piece of good news is Sam's doctor is one of the top 2 placenta accreta doctors in the nation.

Maysen had a huge paper due today that she finished and turned in. 40 pages in her long form fiction class. She was super proud of it, so yay!!!

I got a call from Jorja's eye doctor today. Last week when we saw him he said everything was fine. Well, not fine, but the same and we didn't need to see him until December. He called back today and said he had been worried about Jorja and decided to send her file to a neuro-opthomoligist at the University of Utah. He said if they were worried about anything they would probably call and schedule an appointment in a month. Anyway, a couple of hours later they called and said they wanted to see Jorja as soon as possible. Their first available appointment was next Tuesday. She has to go in for 3-5 hours of eye tests. They said her nerves were swollen and causing pressure on her brain. I think they said that they were surrounded in spinal fluid, which I don't know what that means or if I even got that right. I told them I was confused because just a week ago the doctor told us that everything was okay. I asked if they were just being extra cautious with these tests and if she really needed them. They told me that this was a big deal. They are worried that if she gets even one more headache things could escalate quickly and she could permanently lose her vision. What - the - heck??? I don't know if that means losing some of her sight or becoming blind. I'm hoping we go to all these tests and the diagnosis comes back as 'the doctors are big fat worry warts' - because that is a real diagnosis.

Jorja had to work today. She was on call in and thought they wouldn't need her. They ended up having her come in from 5-9. She survived but it wasn't fun. I drove her there because she is on medication where she can't drive right now. When I picked her up we stopped at U-Swirl to get Mallory a yogurt. Mallory got her wisdom teeth out today. I waited in the car outside of Mallory's house while Jorja went in to talk with her. They will be wisdom teeth buddies now. Fun.

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