Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Mike took Jorja to her dermatology appointment out in Bountiful today. She had to get her blood tested. She hates needles and felt sick after that. I had a job interview today. It was for the attendance office at Alta. It would be perfect for me, but they had a stack of people they are interviewing. I think the biggest thing working against me besides not having a job in over twenty years, is I'm going on a long trip to Israel next month. Why would they pick me if they need someone now. Anyway, I met Mike and Jorja at his work then I drove Jorja to school. I went to the temple since I was already in a dress. The relief society went today, but I wasn't able to make it to the session. I did see them in the celestial room though. I talked to Suzanne Heaton for a bit. I was a big baby and started crying when I talked about Jorja. Hopefully next week all the tests will come back normal and that will be that. I checked Jorja out of school so she could get medicine and eat and a short nap. She ended up getting her hair cut and then she went with Madison to get her nails done. Madison was on call in for work and ended up getting called in for two hours. She can't work right now because her hair is pink. Jorja took her shift for her because Madison couldn't find anyone else. While Jorja was Jorja's doctor called me with her blood test results. She said her cholesterol was great, but her liver levels were extremely elevated. She has the liver of an alcoholic right now. They asked if she had been sick. I told them she just got her wisdom teeth out and was on medicine for that. Anyway, she has to go get her blood tested next week. Hopefully the levels go down. If not she needs further testing. Just what I wanted to hear today.
Jorja's nails
Preston's pudding treat
 It was so gross ~ it tasted like melted jolly ranchers
 At least it was infused with dragon magic!
 After trying the dragon one we have been too scared to try this one
 Despite it being made with star dust.
I had THE BEST time texting my brothers through Game 1 of the World Series. I did not expect the Nationals to win and it was so exciting to watch it happen! Loved it!

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